It is an age of endless conquest, thousands of warriors clash in titanic battles as entire races wage war on one another, each led by a formidable hero seeking dominion over the world.
A brand new DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER is making it's debut next month, on September 1st you'll be able to play the Grim & The Grave DLC which brings with it many new features such as: • Two new Legendary Lords… • New quest chains, magic items...
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Not only is Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the Beastmen releasing on Thursday but we'll also be getting some brand new DLC, best of all it'll be available for free to anyone that has the game! The free DLC will feature: A new hero and mount An...
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Another look at the upcoming Total War: WARHAMMER- Call of the Beastmen DLC, this time we're focusing on the Beast-Paths and looking at some of the new units featured in the DLC. We explore the range of options available to the Beastmen on the...
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Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the Beastmen is marching it's way towards us, on July 28th we'll be able to lead our armies to victory in this brand new DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER. Take your first look at the campaign in this latest video...
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Cygors are coming to Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the Beastmen! Armed with large deadly boulders and one eye they are a formidable foe seeking a Wizard's bright soul which they desperately hope to devour. Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the...
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Something is heading our way, the massive Minotaurs are headed to Total War: WARHAMMER in Call of the Beastmen DLC to do battle! Minotaurs are monstrous beasts that stand on their hind legs in a parody of man. They are monstrous infantry and...
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