Description of Capcom Arcade Stadium Complete Pack
Buy Capcom Arcade Stadium Complete Pack as a Steam key at
Get a great deal on all the 62 additional Capcom Arcade Stadium and Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium titles with this pack.
*Tatakai no Banka, Senjo no OkamiⅡ, Powered Gear - Strategic Variant Armor Equipment -, CA2S: Hissatsu Buraiken, CA2S: 1943 Kai - Midway Kaisen -, and CA2S: Pnickies are only available in Japanese; and Bionic Commando and CA2S: Rally 2011 LED STORM are only available in English. All other included games are available in Japanese and English.
*Player numbers differ based on the game. Multiplayer gameplay is available on local connections only.
Capcom Arcade Stadium
Relive the Capcom classics!
Get 1943 -The Battle of Midway- and game logo wallpapers free with your download!
Shooters, fighting, action—all your favorite genres in this exciting collection! Capcom Arcade Stadium brings back all the nostalgia of the arcade, while adding in new and exciting features you'll wish you had back then!
Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium
Play more of your favorite arcade hits from yesteryear.
Includes SONSON for free!
Capcom is taking you back to the stadium with another collection of your favorite classic hits! Come see what's changed, and what's completely new, in Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium!