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Secret Government Steam Key

Secret Government - Cover / Packshot
Secret Government - Cover / Packshot
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Description of Secret Government

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Secret Government is a grand strategy game about a secret society. Remaining unseen, they have been ruling mankind for hundreds of years. Your role will not be just to lead a particular country or region, but the Brotherhood — a centuries-old organization that works in the shadows and manipulates the entire world. Pull the strings of fate as you influence the present and future on a global scale, reconstructing the whole world to your liking.

Strategically manage your agents as they run errands in different regions and infiltrate government institutions to strip countries of their resources and seize control of decision-makers. Your choices will change the internal and foreign policies of countries.

A desire for power and wealth is not the only thing that drives the Brotherhood. It strives for a complete rebuilding of the world.

Beginning in the 17th century, you start making your own history, where in each mission of the game you will interfere in the main conflict of a certain period. Take part in the Glorious Revolution in England, where you face a hostile secret organization with methods similar to yours, but with goals completely different; or influence the struggle of the thirteen colonies for independence from the British rule in the “New World” and decide the fate of the American Revolution.

Act slowly and carefully so as not to raise awareness of your clout in each-country,Otherwise you will be exposed and lose the level of influence already gained..

There will be plenty of diplomatic, economic and military actions at your disposal. Pay close attention to the domestic politics of each country. If the ruling party’s ideology is very different from the views of various classes and estates, if tax levels are too high and public order too low, then expect a revolution. Or maybe this is what you seek?

You cannot impose your will on the rulers - your manipulations in the game are indirect. You do not have the power to order a monarch to declare war on a neighboring country, but you can plant your agents in the right places, provoke deterioration in relations by indirect actions, arrange a border incident and bring the countries to a military conflict.

We hope that you will spend many enjoyable hours exploring how the world works with Secret Government! Join the Brotherhood!

List of Key Features

  • Rewrite History - From the 18th century to the present day, the War of Independence to the French and Napoleonic Wars, each mission will drop players into major global conflicts, tasking them with manipulating the outcome to serve the Brotherhood’s ambitions.
  • Play Your Pawns - The world’s most powerful figures - from national rulers to military superpowers - are but mere pawns to you. Learn to manipulate their complex AI machinations as you leverage their unique abilities to shape the world to your needs.
  • Indirect Influence - Why should you have to do the heavy lifting of executing your diplomatic, economic, and militaristic ambitions? Plant your own agents and indirectly coerce others to do your bidding with over 50 types of actions intended to upend the world’s balance in your favor while keeping your hands clean.
  • Manipulate a Living World - From ideologies to social classes, taxes to civil unrest, the world of Secret Government is comprised of countless interconnected sociopolitical systems that effectively simulate a believable and reactionary world. While world leaders strive to maintain the status quo, how will you destabilize the system and trigger worldwide change?
  • You’re Not Alone in the Shadows - Facing down a hostile secret organization that isn’t afraid to manipulate their way into the history books, make every action and choice count in order to outthink the competition and maintain your hard-earned secrecy and level of infiltration in the shadows.

As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. Source: Steam

System Requirements Secret Government

Windows Minimal

OS: Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2 GHz | AMD A8 7600 @ 3.1 GHz
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
Audio: Direct X - compatible soundcard
DirectX: DirectX 11

Windows Recommended

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
CPU: Intel Core i7-6770
RAM: 16 GB
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
DirectX: DirectX 11

Mac OS Minimal

OS: Mac OS X 10.13.0
CPU: Intel® iCore™ i5-6500
Graphics: AMD® Radeon™ R9 M380 with 2GB Vram
Audio: Soundblaster compatible

Linux Minimal

OS: Ubuntu 14.04
CPU: Dual Core CPU
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900, 512mb video memory required
Audio: Soundblaster compatible


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10 Steam Achievements

Summon more lodges Initiation Brother 80 lvl Pack of agents Horde of agents
  • Single-Player

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