Battlefield 1 Origin (Direct)

Battlefield 1

Fight your way through epic battles going from tight urban combat in a besieged French city to big open spaces in the Italian Alps or frantic combats in the Arabic sand dunes. Experience large-scale battles as infantry or piloting vehicles on land, air and sea, from the tanks and bikes on the gro...

Windows PC  Action
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Comments on Battlefield 1

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Dermatic Class 1 0

Do you have a Revolution edition of Battlefield 1?

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Not currently sorry!

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Jaska 1 0

Greetings, are you able to stock the "Battlefield 1 Revolution" Edition? Its the GOTY/Compelete edition of the game, which includes the expansion packs.

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Not sure, we may look at that in the future but for now we're likely just sticking with what we have. Thanks for the interest though!

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Pratham1993 1 0

Just wanted to thank you guys, I wanted to buy BF1 badly but my card was not working on origin and I didn't wanted to buy key from any shady key reseller which doesn't support the publishers as I wanted to support the publishers as well, then I got to know about you guys from reddit , so glad I found you guys, will buy more games from you guys in near future :)

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FionnGP Team 1 0

Aww thanks so much. You're more than welcome back any time ?

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yuvalbuhbut2003 1 0

do you gonna have the bf1 Premium Pass soon?

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FionnGP Team 2 0 (Edited)

We will not get the Premium Pass.

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CheezyTheNerd 1 0

Definitely the game of the year, I loved the beta.

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anekiro 1 0

Can Russia play? Support Russia language?

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chrisvGP Team 1 0

Yes, confirmed. Russian is supported, too. Our store pages do not show this language, as we're usually not very active there. Hope this helps!

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IcyLemons 1 0

Cant wait to play this game

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GPUabuse 1 0

It's amazing!! look us up if you want to game together!

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FionnGP Team 1 0

I know right?! You downloading now?


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