Fight your way through epic battles going from tight urban combat in a besieged French city to big open spaces in the Italian Alps or frantic combats in the Arabic sand dunes. Experience large-scale battles as infantry or piloting vehicles on land, air and sea, from the tanks and bikes on the gro...
Players of Battlefield 1 are set to see a big year with content coming through the year, in the upcoming months there will be a few updates that will bring 6 new maps and more which will be released soon, but that's not all! In September the next...
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When it comes to Easter Eggs many games feature references to popular movies, TV shows, music or more and Battlefield 1 has continued this trend with the latest DLC pack "They Shall Not Pass", which has apparently added an Easter Egg for "Disney's...
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Battlefield 1 is about to get even more explosive as the first expansion "They Shall Not Pass" (not Gandalf related) debuts on March 14th. The expansion will add four brand new maps, the Char 2C super-heavy tank and St. Chamond assault tank, the...
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A new map for Battlefield 1 will be dropping later this month, get ready to explore Giant's Shadow on December 20th (or December 13th if you pre-ordered/have the season pass). Expect a downed airship in the distance, a train and plenty of close...
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It may have only been out less than a week but the team at DICE have already released the first patch for Battlefield 1 (3 days after launch), it features a number of fixes including some crash fixes and graphical tweaks on PC to avoid shadows...
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We're hours away from one of this years Premium First Person Shooters with the release of Battlefield 1 taking the series back to it's roots as it focuses on World War 1. In this video from Candyland we get to see how the PC version stacks up...
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