Funtasia, a colorful paradise being polluted by airborne garbage. Only a handful of heroes and their goofy wheel machinations can help fend off the trash. Push pedal to metal, drive fast, and survive the Furry Road in this physics-based, side-scrolling racing game for single and co-op shenanigans!
Die 10 times in water
Die 10 times from low battery
Die crushed (by a press)
Use the Cleaner 20 times
Use the Jumper 20 times
Complete a track and unlock the skin
Defeat a boss and unlock the skin
Collect the required coins in a track to unlock the skin
Fully upgrade a car
Defeat the Tropichedelia boss
Defeat the Tumble Dumble Ranch boss
Defeat Junky Funky boss
Defeat the Nosferatown boss
Defeat the Baby Land boss
Defeat the DJungle boss
Defeat the Zen Garden boss
Defeat the Kellwasser Park boss
Defeat the Ice-o-Land boss
Defeat the Planet H boss