Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action RPG set in the world first introduced in the Harry Potter books. Embark on a journey through familiar and new locations as you explore and discover magical beasts, customise your character and craft potions, master spell casting, upgrade talents and become ...
Action / RPG (Roleplay)
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Hello! I bought the deluxe version of this game and received the keys from you. I entered them on steam but the onyx mount isn't part of my dlc like in other players' case which means that steam doesn't recognize my key. Is there a problem from their side or from yours?
replyHey again, we spoke to Warner and indeed there was an issue with bonus keys - which has been resolved :)
replyShould be in the game what happens when you launch it? At the start it should mention the bonus and is accessible when you unlock mounts.
replyChecked everywhere and I didn't receive it at first. The dlc was recognized much later by Steam after I opened and closed the games 2 times. This means after 4 hours and a half after the launch.
replyYeah we had to contact the publisher to fix the issue, sorry about that but thanks for reaching out to us about it.