NieR: Automata Steam Key

NieR: Automata

NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim the machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful machines.

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rovdjuret1 1 0

I'm so jealous of the steam people since they can preload now :(
Also I can't believe it's only 24 hours left! The hype is real!

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Timetricker 2 0

I'm steam people but i can't even buy this game on steam because i live in Asia. LoL

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Mkilbride2599 1 0

Why? We're going to be getting our keys very soon.

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C71 1 0

Hopefully in 1-2 hours.

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rovdjuret1 1 0

Because 26GB is quite alot for some people.

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Mkilbride2599 1 0 (Edited)

Ok, but...if you get your key in say, two hours from now, would it really be so bad? You got the game 13$ cheaper roughly.

You could spend that 13$ on a large Pizza with toppings and all that to go WITH Nier Automata.


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