The city of Detroit has been hit by a series of crimes, and a new enemy is threatening the public order. Your investigation leads you right into the heart of a shadowy project in an original story that takes place between RoboCop 2 and 3. Explore iconic locations and meet familiar faces from the ...
During the annual Nacon Connect, the publisher announced RoboCop: Rogue City - Unfinished Business - a new shooter follow up to Rogue City coming this summer. Nacon surprises once again at the Nacon Connect show. Announced for summer 2025,...
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Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law! And in the new trailer, man-machine RoboCop also makes sure that no dog excrement is left on the pavement. RoboCop: Rogue City will officially be released on 2 November. But if you...
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2023 is shaping to be one of the best years in gaming for a while, and publisher Nacon have given us a taste of what to expect from them with the recent Nacon Connect 2023, showcasing off a number of their titles that are on the way. First up we...
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At Nacon Connect 2022, French publisher Nacon delivered big time, showing new footage from upcoming games and also surprising with new announcements. Here is the best of the show. Nacon showed so many new things at its own event Nacon Connect...
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