Originally created by legendary game designer Sid Meier, Civilization is a turn-based strategy game in which you attempt to build an empire to stand the test of time. Become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the Stone Age to the Information Age.
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You don't have any sort of bank card? Can you use a friends or relatives? Paypal, Bitcoin...
replyI do have a bank card. And I do have paypal.
replyHowever, Sofort (the Bank Transfer option) shows only UK-based banks, so I can't select my bank there. Clicking the paypal button leads me to a page where I have to link my credit card, despite my bank card account already being linked and in fact already having deposted €60 on my paypal. I don't think any of my friends have a credit card either, they don't seem to be as popular here as they seem elsewhere. I think my brother has one though, I'll ask him. Hopefully he'll accept before the offer is over. >.>
You can pay directly with your bank card, is it VISA? Should be no trouble, also with PayPal
replyIt says Maestro.
replyI can see that you've made payment attempts with Sofort and Bitcoin. Can you try with your Maestro card? You also may want to try on a different web browser or disable your security software just for the payment.
replyI cam't try. There's letters in my "Card Number" and it also isn't the right amount of characters, so I can't fill it in. Neither does any other string on my card match the format of the requested Card Number, so I am unable to even fill in the form.
replyOk...Does any of your family or friends have a card to use or working PayPal account maybe?
replyMy family is all member of the same bank, so we have the same debit card. I thought my brother had a credit card but turns out he didn't, and neither do my friends. As I said, Credit Cards are hardly even popular in The Netherlands.
replyIt might be worth mentioning I just bought a Humble Bundle with PayPal credit and I had no issues whatsoever, it didn't request a credit card at all. Could it be something you enabled or does PayPal themselves do that when the amount is over a certain treshold?