The Evil Within 2 Steam Key

The Evil Within 2

From mastermind Shinji Mikami and the talented team at Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within 2 takes the acclaimed franchise to a new level with its unique blend of psychological thrills and true survival horror.

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FuscusNight 2 0 (Edited)

Game is far better then the original, enjoying it a lot so far. Only problem is, the devs sadly didn't learn much when it comes to optimization, game doesn't properly use GPU and CPU fully so frame rate is wonky which is also causing annoying stutters, it's playable but it does damage the experience somewhat. For an example it only uses 50-60% of my four cores and only about 80% of my GPU, which is causing a fluctuation in my fps often as its refusing to fully use my hardware.

The stuttering is caused both by the artifical bottleneck and because the aset streaming in the game is not well done, so when moving around the more open world areas of the game it can sometimes have a more lenghty stutter as it tries to load in new areas even on an SSD

So overral, game is def, good when it comes to gameplay but is held back by performance issues, i'm still enjoying it but just be warned it doesn't run well, not horribly but still kinda poorly.

Here's a more in-deph video about the problem : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c8koaVssrw


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