The Uncertain is a story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Humanity disappeared from the face of the Earth and has been replaced by robots. Together with Emily, one of the survivors, you will have to witness how people try to live in a world ruled by robots.
AdventureFind all of the audio recordings.
Find all of the magazines.
Find all of the spinners.
Take 20 pictures
Take pictures of 10 special graffiti.
Find all of mini-games.
Complete one level in each of the mini-games.
Deliver medicine to Alex and Brian.
Escape the drugstore with Park.
Abandon Park at the drugstore.
Keep the group intact until the end of the game.
Leave the electronics store using a staff badge.
Delete the goods from the database before leaving the electronics store.
Beat Matt at the VR game.
Draw a cat on the whiteboard.
Use the taser on a robot.
Lose Brian.
Avoid being detected by the cops.
Maintain negative relations with all group members by the end of the game.
Maintain positive ties with all group members by the end of the game.
Lose Park.