Watch_Dogs 2 Ubisoft Connect

Watch_Dogs 2

Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area. Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, and expose the hidden dangers of ctOS 2.0, which, in the hands of corrupt corporations, is being wrongfully used to mon...

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

You will need to go quite a way into the game, you should get at least a 100,000 followers (though I think it's more) so it requires a few missions to get to. You can see you have the Zodiac Killer bonus though by equipping the outfit (as seen in the above link).

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bansama 1 0

Okay, I do have the orange prison garb. I'm fairly sure the pre-order info made it sound like this suit was unlocked by completing the mission which is why I never checked for it earlier.

Anyhow, everything seems okay, so I'll chalk this up to the usual not-so-great-handling by Ubisoft. Love their games, but they're not very good at indicating ownership of specific items/editions.

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CraigBGP Team 2 0

Exactly that, STEEP and Watch_Dogs 2 make their pre-order bonuses a little cumbersome to find but at least you have it :)

Hope you enjoy the game, don't worry about hunting the mission it'll become available naturally so just play and have fun!


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